The polished marble floor is painted with ever changing carpets of natural light.
This is 100% sustainable art, created from the colors of the Sun - our life giving star.
The ceiling skylight is fitted with proprietary flat, laser-cut prisms that refract giant rainbow beams throughout the entrance area of this Los Angeles home.
Raking sunbeams splash down the stairs. The art modulates minute by minute, and day by day as the Earth turns and the seasons change.
At times the rainbows split, only to merge hours later.
Detail of a blue moment.
The silk velour walls of the home hold the solar colors like the softest living pigment.
Peter Erskine's natural light installations use prisms and mirrors to transform ordinary Sunlight into giant solar spectrum beams - bathing your living spaces in the breathtaking colors of the solar spectrum. Powered by life giving Sunlight and the rotation of the Earth, these ever-changing light and space environments gradually shift in color, shape and texture - every hour, ever day and every season.
Fodor Residence, Los Angeles, 2003
Peter Erskine creates active heliostat and passive solar spectrum prism installations which are designed for the specific architectural and domestic programs of individual residences.